Welcome to the Kingsway Tennis League!
Round 3 is now underway.
It runs from 14 September to 8 November, 2009
New players of any standard are warmly invited to join the next
round in 2010
If you would like to play, you would be very welcome. Just email Sally
at kingswaytennisleague@googlemail.com or go to the Join Now page
The league is open to players of all standards, from beginners to advanced, and this is how it works:
- It is a mixed (men and women) singles league
- It’s divided into groups of about 6 players of a similar standard
- Everyone in their group plays everyone else on the courts at Kingsway unless another venue suits both parties
are the best of three tie break sets (allow 2 hours per match)
- It’s up to everyone to arrange their own matches, but we may be able to help if you are struggling
- You get one point for every set you win
- If you complete three matches by the mid way point you get a FREE can of tennis balls
- WINNERS of each group WIN £20, and receive a winner's certiticate
- At the end of the round, where possible, the top two players in each group go up, two go down and two stay put. For
those who want to, it then starts again with a new round.
- It costs £10 to join each round (this does not include the cost of the courts)